Jaz Dhami, Shubh, Byg Byrd & More Express Concerns Over ‘Human Rights Violations’ and ‘Censorship’ in Punjab

Photo: IG/ Jaskarn Singh

Amidst Indian authorities’ crackdown on Sikh separatist leader and leader of the “Waris Panjab De”, or Heirs of Punjab, Punjabi Hip-hop‘s influential figures have expressed concerns over Internet shutdowns and alleged “Human Rights Violations”.

As per CNN, Indian authorities have imposed a pervasive communication blackout on Punjab’s 27 million people. It has led to far-reaching distress and at least 112 arrests. In a statement Sunday, the World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) stated its reservations over the operation on Twitter. The account has been withheld by the social media platform “in response to a legal demand”.

Punjabi Hip-Hop’s leading artist Jaz Dhami took note of the “circumstances” and wrote a scathing set of comments on Twitter. “Social media accounts being blocked in their thousands. If this Police operation is so legit then why all the censorship and cover up? Whatever the circumstances the people of Punjab are being denied their civil liberties,” Dhami said.

Dhami further addressed the “Human Rights Violations” against “innocent people getting picked up for being gursikh”.

Earlier today, Indian Hip-Hop’s “Baller” Shubh posted a message on his Instagram. In a brief sentence, the iconic emcee offered “prayers” for Punjab and expressed his concerns over the events.

However, one of the fiercest criticism came from Punjabi Hip-Hop superproducer Byg Byrd. The producer asserted that the “Central Government of India” is spreading inaccurate information through “media outlets” and termed it detrimental to Punjab.

Byrd further cleared that he is “against the injustice” and not the “Indian people”. “Listen, I have nothing against Indian people. I’m just against the injustice and the people who are in agreeance with what’s going on in Panjab,” Byrd wrote.