Azadi Record’s Prabhdeep has released his a music video from his latest album Bhram. Premiered earlier today, the new visuals for ‘Izzat’ serve as the follow-up to ‘Rishte’ – the third record on the eight-track album – and the second music video from the project yet.
Penned down by Mark Smith and Prabh himself, ‘Izzat’ is one of the most introspective and self-assuring tracks on the record. The single was released on November 5th 2022 as part of the full-length project.
“The track ‘Izzat’ navigates the mutual relationship between an individual’s environment and their subconscious. In the past, Prabh was on edge because of the uncertainty of his surroundings, and it now serves as a reminder to not feel shame about his origins or guilt for moving on to a better life. In this tryst with power, ‘Izzat’ reminisces that we control what affects us” Prabhdeep says about the almost four-minute visual.
Watch the visuals for ‘Izzat’ by Prabhdeep here.
The West Delhi-based emcee is behind some of the finest alternative hip-hop records including ‘Tabia’ and ‘Class-Sikh’ – two full-length LPs built from scratch by him.
The latest studio album is Prabhdeep’s third effort which projects his artistic vulnerability and genre-fluid tendencies at an unprecedented scale. Between ‘Tabia’ – the record which preceded ‘Bhram’ – and the latest album, Prabh had released ‘Dosh’.
Stream ‘Bhram’ by Prabhdeep below if you haven’t yet.