Def Jam Recordings India has confirmed that Punjab’s iconic emcee, lyricist and record producer is slated to drop the second music video from ‘Keep It Gangsta’ EP. Released on September 22nd 2022, the five-track EP consists of Patar’s highly influential records including ‘Pin Da Riwaaz’ featuring Azaad, ‘Outlaw’ featuring Kiran Sandhu, ‘Chup Chup’ featuring Roop Bhullar, ‘Tattoo’ and ‘One Way’.
Def Jam India has revealed that the visuals for ‘Chup Chup’ – the fourth track on the EP – are slated to release “soon”.
Notable, the upcoming visuals will serve as the follow-up to ‘Pind Da Riwaaz’ released alongside ‘Keep It Gangsta’.
Most recently, Patar led the production on Tarsem Jasser’s EP. Titled ‘Enigma’, the ‘Kingpin’ rapper and singer drops his ferocious lyricism over Arsenal, Enigma, Feel, Roots and Why Black !. Jassar’s latest collaborative effort with Patar transitioned from his constantly switching rhythms between Punjabi Hip-Hop and Pop Folk and delved deeper into hard-hitting old-school rap. Patar further cements the underlying Hip-Hop across the album with his groovy ad-libs.
The young emcee is also the leading producer behind the late Sidhu Moosewala’s ‘The Last Ride’, ‘Malwa Block’ and ‘GOAT’.
Watch ‘Pind Da Riwaaz’ by Wazir Patar here if you haven’t yet.