Brampton Neighbourhood Unveils Mural Dedicated To Sidhu Moose Wala, Tupac Shakur, The Notorious B.I.G. & More

As the world continues to mourn the death of Punjabi Hip-Hop pioneer Sidhu Moose Wala, a neighbourhood in Brampton has unveiled an affecting mural dedicated to the slain rapper.

The mural features Moosa next to legendary American rappers Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G. Shakur and Biggie were themselves victims of gun violence and succumbed to gun wounds during drive-by shootings in Los Angeles in the 90s.

Much like Shakur and Biggie, Moose Wala pioneered Punjabi gangsta rap and garnered an unflinching reputation for being one of the greatest emcees to ever do it.

Moose’s mural further features “Tony Montana” – Al Pacino’s legendary cinematic character in the 1982 film “Scarface”, and “Vito Corleone” – Marlon Brando’s iconic character in Francis Ford Coppola’s 1972 film “The Godfather”.

Notably, the mural is just one of the ways through which fans continue to pay their tributes to Moose Wala. In June, an ardent fan laid down a forged Sidhu Moose Wala star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles.

The controversial, yet honest tribute, arrived within days after Tupac Shakur was posthumously honoured with the 2,758th star in Los Angeles.

As reported earlier, the tributes to Moosa arrive amidst numerous Hip-Hop superstars mourning the loss of a true rap pioneer. Moose Wala, who was shot dead on 29, 2022, was honoured by global rap’s tall figures including Drake, Indian Hip-Hop royalty Divine, UK’s Burna BoyTion Wayne and MIST and Steel Banglez in the past four weeks.

Most recently, Birmingham’s legendary woman emcee Stefflon Don visited Moose Wala’s home in Mansa, Punjab on his birthday. During her brief stay, Don paid her respects to the “Moosetape” rapper’s father Balkaur Singh Sidhu and his mother Charan Kaur Singh.

Read: Stefflon Don Previews “Dilemma” Featuring Sidhu Moose Wala

Notably, this is the second such mural to surface in Brampton this year. Ahead of Moosa’s first death anniversary, Punjabi artist Jasmin Pannu installed a mural next to “a tree planted in Moose Wala’s memory” last year. Check it out below.

Rest in Peace, Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu.

Related: Divine Announces New Single ‘Chorni’ Featuring Sidhu Moose Wala

Stream Sidhu Moose Wala’s hard-hitting rap album ‘Moosetape’ here via Spotify.